Do you usually give up (or take on) something during the Lenten season?
Lent is a period of 40 days, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday. Lent is often a time of repentance, fasting, and preparation for the coming of Easter. It’s a time of self-examination, reflection, and focus on one’s relationship with God. Many people choose to give up something, or to volunteer and give of themselves in service to others, during these 40 days.
Here are some things people typically give up for Lent:
My friend Lori mentioned a fabulous idea for Lent that I had never heard of before. The idea came from a FACEBOOK post by Mary Beth Conley Johann of Pickerington, Ohio.

Mary Beth suggests on each day of Lent we give up one item from our closet that we no longer wear or need. Place the items in a bag and after 40 days, donate the bag to a or church or charity. WOW is about all I can say.
Even though we are already five days into Lent, it’s still not too late to take this on. You can even combine the 40 Day – 40 Item Challenge with something else you are doing for Lent.
Each day while you are clearing your closet, take a few moments to clear your mind, reflect on your blessings, think of those less fortunate, and find additional ways to express your own gratitude.
Mary Beth, thanks for sharing your post with us.
I’m heading to my closet right now, with my bag, to reflect and remind myself of all I have to be grateful for.
Just a tip: Use a black bag, as shown above. And no looking back. Once items go in, they can’t come out!
I love this blog and look forward to it each week! Thank you!!!
Thanks, Sherry.
So happy to hear from you.
Sharon, you must of seen my closet. What a great idea- I clean out my closet and hopefully some one else gets some pleasure out of my closet. Thanks for sharing.
I have gotten a little ahead of myself but 19 down and 21 to go. I love the idea!!
Getting ahead is good, Beverly. That way if you have a day you get behind, you’ll actually be caught up! Ha.
I just purchased your book on Amazon for my Kindle and am really enjoying it. Made it through 33% before having to turn off the lights. Lots of good ideas for me to consider.
Thank you so much for writing. Please let us know if you have any questions about anything! We’d love a review on Amazon if you have time.
Best, Sharon
That means so much to Janna and me.
Let us know how it goes.
I am a mild hoarder of nice stuff. I feel overwhelmed and guilty about gleaning through my nice stiff. But, you have taken away the guilt. Free to load up bag. Might do more than one! Thanks for my Lenten penance, no, my Lenten gifting.
Best wishes CMx
Glad to help, Caroline.
I am sure someone would be happy to have your discards.
I shall try this, this year. Thank you.
I’m sure you will be surprised by how many items you find you are not using/wearing. It is quite eye-opening.
[…] in the social side. If you like the idea of challenging yourself, why not take part in the “Forty days, forty items” challenge. Can we encourage each other to go through our wardrobes and give an item away for […]
Thank you to St. Margaret’s church, which is also encouraging parishioners to participate in this challenge.
Normally give up something like biscuits or cake but this year am putting an item into my charity bag each day! I’m very good at decluttering anyway but this is really making me think about all I have & exactly what I don’t need! I volunteer in a local hospice charity shop so am aware just how much we need to raise funds for charities ….. now do I really need those black leggings??!!!! 😊🙏🏻
Brava, Maureen,
We have so much to give to those less fortunate.