Last weekend my husband and I were driving to an out-of-town wedding. We got about 20 miles down the road and he said, “Oh darn, I forgot something.” I panicked because we were already a little late, and I was supposed to be helping with the wedding. “What?” I asked.
“I forgot to comb my hair this morning.”
Huh? I was kind of dumbfounded. Sheesh. Men have got it made. There are really only three things guys have to do to groom themselves: take a bath, comb their hair, and shave. (Well, I guess they should probably brush their teeth, too.)
We got to the venue and I went straight to the bride’s room to see how I could help. When I walked in, I was almost asphyxiated by a hurricane of hairspray. Every flat surface was covered with stuff–makeup, straighteners, self-tanner, blush, lipstick, nail polish. The place looked like a piñata packed with cosmetics and hair products had exploded and landed everywhere. The girls had arrived six hours before wedding time, and they were looking fabulous.
As opposed to the boys, who strolled in nonchalantly carrying their suits in a bag just two hours before the scheduled event. They changed into their tuxes, combed their hair (because presumably they had already shaved and showered), and were ready in 15 minutes. No makeup, no hairspray, no lip gloss. Sheesh.
I remember a friend telling me once that men are actually more beautiful than women. Maybe it’s true. Hey, my husband is cute and he doesn’t even have to try. He doesn’t use a special cleanser, moisturizer, or eye cream, and he always looks great.
It doesn’t seem quite fair. But then it must not seem fair to the guys that we girls are forever purchasing and trying new makeup and skincare products. And I’m not even going to get into how much we spend on hair styling, color, perms, and highlights. (Gee, my husband has had the same $20 haircut for 35 years.)

Why is it that women are always trying to “reinvent” themselves and guys just take everything like it comes? I don’t know, but there’s something to be said for a secure man.
Maybe we should try to be more like men? Nah…
Hey, honey, here’s your comb!
Love it!!!! So true.
Sharla, I used last week’s wedding just as an example, but I see it every time. I also think girls are girls and just like to primp a little more. Older girls, too.
Sharon this is so true and FUNNY!! If I decide on a day that I am hanging out at home and choose to not curl my thin fine hair the 1st thing Lee notices is my “flat” hair and makes a comment! It’s an hour before church gotta start getting ready. He will start 10 minutes before departure!!
Isn’t it the truth, Lori. Ten minutes for him and 1 1/2 hours for us. But I think Leroy is just “pulling your chain.” Men always know the things we are sensitive about, but mostly they are just trying to get a rise out of us. (They have weird senses of humor, don’t they?)
I think women become more attractive with age and men less so. I always love reading your blog!
Do we become more attractive, or just more comfortable in our own skin? I don’t know. But we are so fortunate to have great men in our lives. (Becky, too.) Perhaps it is they that make us feel beautiful.
Love, love, love this …and all your blogs! Your writing is informative and very entertaining!???
Thanks Beth. You’re a doll.
Oh Sharon ?! This is great! I just posted a tribute to my husband on our 40th Anniversary where I said that “he just grows more distinguished while I just grow older – except he still tells me I’m beautiful!” But it’s exactly as you said – it’s a major issue when he loses his comb. ? He takes 30 minutes to get ready to my 1 1/2to 2 hours (depending on hair washing) , but I wouldn’t trade it for the compliments BOTH of us get!❤️
The great thing is, Diane, our men love us the same…with or without the primping. Aren’t we so very lucky?
The question is… Do we make ourselves beautiful for itself, our spouse or for others?
Such a good question, Janet. For ourselves, our spouse, or for others? I’m guessing it’s a combination of all three. But I do think it begins with self. I heard this quote recently: “We make our choices, and our choices make us.”
I have always wondered WHY the male species got the breaks? The peacocks being outstanding examples! I do have to share, my hubby & I have always “battled” to smell best!! I truly attempt to “beat” him, the girls hate being in the same car with us! So I probably have no clue how LOUD I smell??? Giggle, sorry friends ?
Then the hairspray!!!! Phil truly goes thru 2 cans to my one!!! Phil is always willing to be my “test subject” for example our new men’s care line! So, that being shared, some men are “primper’s” TOO!!!!
Ha, Millie. I love it! Yes, I guess guys have their moments, too. We sure couldn’t live without ’em. Thanks for your viewpoint.
I’m going to give you a man’s perspective on this. First, let me say this. When I look at a beautiful woman who has taken time to apply a little make up and spend time on her hair, I can’t stop looking at her. To me, all I can think of is that she is one of the most beautiful creatures under gods heaven. Then, without her make up or doing anything to her hair, there is a dramatic change. Many times, but not always, she loses that desirable look.
And then I see men who are considered very handsome. And I wonder why I can’t look like them. And it made me wonder if I might be gay. I’m not gay. I just want to look like them, for the beautiful women. But, having said that, I did notice that men do not wear all the make up and spend all the time on their hair that women do. Some guys deal, there’s always exceptions to the rule. But for the most part, they don’t, just like you stated in your blog. And for the most part, this is how it is throughout all the animal kingdom. The males want the women, for obvious reasons. And so to get their attention, males have to be naturally good-looking. Women don’t have to be, and we Mills still want them. All right, we’re all such pigs.
But consider this. Who are some of the most beautiful, naturally beautiful, females in the world. No, it’s not the adult females. It is a little girls. With naturally rosy cheeks, naturally curly hair, a twinkle in their eye, another speck of makeup on their face. I have a theory. That over the years, the use of all the make up actually somehow damages a woman’s skin eyebrows and eyelashes become thinner, the naturally rosy color of the cheeks is lost. And I don’t think it’s a natural progression. And while that happens, we men still want the women in our lives. And it is true, a woman is never more beautiful than when she is with the child. Her skin regains that natural glow. And all of her useful beauty returns. So I don’t believe that it’s lost permanently. It just becomes suppressed, again, am I thought because of all the chemicals that women use on it
I won’t cause far as some people and now men lose their luxe as they get older. The same is also true for women. We have all seen the pictures of the man who have age gracefully., Whereas women haven’t. But then again, we are looking at celebrities. And female celebrities wear more makeup than the average woman.
So ladies, thank you for finding us man beautiful and handsome. I just because your skin tone may not be the same As when you were young, nor your hair is curly or bouncy, know that you are still beautiful to the man who love you.
I’m going to let you in a little secret. When a woman a man get married, the man looks at her and says “she’s perfect“ but the woman looks at her guy and says “he’s perfect, except for…“ And as they both grow older, most men want to remain beautiful for their women. I but women want their man to become fat. My sister-in-law has a little plaque in her office that reads “Dear God, if you can’t make me thin, at least make my husband fat”. And your women want us that way so that no other woman will want us. So we ignore the changes because our wives want us that way. But here’s a big difference, we don’t even notice the difference in our wives. They still look as young and beautiful to us on our 40th or 50th or 60th anniversary as I did on the day we first wed.
Dear Ron,
Thank you so very much for your keen perspective on this issue. We don’t often hear a man’s POV. Some lucky woman is very fortunate to have you. We gals seem to be more critical of ourselves than our partners are of us.
Please write again.