Of course it does, according to Patagonia, designer of outdoor clothing and gear for silent sports like hiking, climbing, surfing, skiing, snowboarding, fly fishing, and trail running.
Not to be confused with fashion–style is a matter of choice. It’s important for outdoor enthusiasts to choose clothing and gear that will work most efficiently for their sport. But who says it can’t be stylish, too?
On a recent trip to Seattle, my husband and I visited the REI flagship store. Hidden amidst a shroud of trees, you would never guess it’s actually right in the heart of the city.
Here is some of the cool adventure-gear we spotted.
I don’t ski, or bike, or run trails, but I can appreciate the thought and imagination that goes into these innovative designs–from shoes to pants to jackets to underwear…yes, underwear.

Choose adventure-wear that is both practical and flattering.
“So you can focus on what matters,” says Patagonia.
And adding a little flair to your wardrobe is always fun.
Say, “This is me.” With color, patterns, and fabrics that capture your ‘quintessential sports style.’
Here are more photos from The Emerald City.
Absolutely breathtaking!
It was so good to see Joe……and don’t you just love Pike’s Market. Such a special great city for adventure.
Joe was in heaven at REI. So many choices for so many sports.