High waisted pants, midi dresses, and mom jeans. Whaaaat? The old adage is true: “What goes around comes around.” And it came around sooner than everyone imagined.
Darn, why didn’t we save those 80’s clothes? Which are now considered

And, can you believe high waisted “MOM” jeans are back?

My daughters used to make fun of these…Now they are wearing them!

More returning styles from the 80’s:
- Tie Dye
- Platform shoes
- Large Shoulders
- Big earrings
So Ladies, reach into the depths of your closets to see if you can salvage any of those retro garments.
Let us know your thoughts on going back to the
I’m just waiting on the big hair to come back!
Ha,ha. I should have asked my readers to send in their 80’s photos. We all had BIG hair back then!
Thanks for writing.
Gee, I wonder if I have a set of shoulder pads stashed away somewhere!!! They might come in handy once again!
Oh yes, Sherry.
Hope you saved those! I think they will be returning soon.
Hi Sharon,
This is such a fun post! I was such a fashionista (at least in my own mind) during the 80s! I have actually kept a few of my favorite items and love pulling them out and wearing them now and then! When I was in college (during the 80s), studying fashion marketing, one of the key things I remember from one of my instructors was “Fashion is revolutionary – there is never really anything completely new, just a new take on something that revolved from the past. If you have items you love that go out of style, keep them. You’ll get the chance to wear them again in 20 or 30 years!” Glad I took that advice!
Yes, Lisa, that is GREAT advice!
I’m so sorry I let a few things I loved go. Now I wish I’d kept them.
Thanks for writing.
Like my mom always says, everything comes back in style.
It’s easy when you never give anything away, but also good to know when to wear it and when not to wear it…LOL!!
But who has the room to keep it? Haha. (I took a lesson from your blogs and included a member of my family! Fun.)