I’ve written a lot of blogs on handbags (see below), but I don’t think I’ve ever discussed cleaning them. And I don’t mean ORGANIZING them. I mean cleaning the OUTSIDE. These days everyone seems to be ultra germ-conscious, SO it might be a good time to point out how grimy our purses can get.
I have a handbag that is the color of my hair (light) and I noticed recently that it had some ink marks and fingerprints on it.
I pulled out a trusty Mr. Clean MAGIC ERASER. (I’m sure you’ve heard of them.) Wet it, and gently wiped all this dirt away.

After I cleaned with the eraser, I followed by wiping with a clean, wet paper towel. I had no idea what kind of grunge lay on that leather. Then, I decided to clean my billfold. Close your eyes if you are squeamish:

I decided to steal my husband’s wallet and this is what I found:

Just as I thought, his was dirtier than mine!
Somehow the Magic Eraser gets between the crevices of the leather and wipes away the dirt. But, don’t wipe too hard, or you could wipe off some of the dye in your leather.
(After some research on the web, I discovered you can also use a Magic Eraser to clean leather upholstery. Just remember to wipe gently, because the eraser works like “fine sandpaper” to remove ground-in dirt.)
And Here’s what I discovered for cleaning gold rings!
The first time I tried Dawn Powerwash was last year when my husband bought a new smoker grill during COVID.(Smoking meat became his new hobby.) I tried the Powerwash and it cleaned his greasy grate and utensils like magic. I decided to spray it on my wedding rings. It made them sparkle…well, like diamonds.

So these are my two finds for cleaning your accessories. I’d like to hear from you. Do you have any tips you think gals might want to know? PLEASE SHARE. (Comment below.)
Thank you for the great tips! I will add these items to my next shopping list.
So welcome, Sherry.