I brought home more than herbs de Provence and bags of lavender from my recent trip to France. My favorite souvenir is my new French haircut. (The French word se souvenir actually means “to remember.”) I’ve always wanted a French coiffure. I guess it hearkens back to my youth watching movies like Roman Holiday and Sabrina.

What is it about a haircut that can completely transform a woman? Granted, my hair was much shorter to start with than that of Audrey Hepburn or Julia Binoche.
Still, I was excited at the prospect of a new look. (Plus, after a three week tour, my hair needed help.) But, make no mistake–I love my stylist in Texas!

Daring, now that I think about it. But, if I would have thought too much, I might never have done it.
My wonderful tour mate, Mary Beth, helped translated (and took the photos below). At one point Mary Beth asked stylist Delphene how long she had been cutting hair. Delphene, answered in French, “Six Weeks!” Then she started laughing, and we all knew it was a joke. (In actuality Delphine has been cutting hair for nine years and trained in Geneva, Switzerland.)
So that’s my adventure in France. Hey, at our ages, we have to take a plunge now and then…right?
Please let me know your secret dream. Would you go for it?
And tell me what you think of the new hair.
Take every chance.
Drop every fear.
— Anonymous
I love it!! How fun to experience that!!
Yes, Lori, it was. I might forget what I ate in Chamonix, but I’ll never forget this experience. (I also knew my hair would grow back, if it didn’t work out.) Thanks for writing.
I love that you availed yourself of this treat. I was in France for 2 weeks a couple of years ago, and did my best to crack the “Parisienne Chic”and actually made notes, that I am not ashamed to admit. I agree that it is part of every French woman’s DNA and I would love to develop a friendship to get some insider advise. I agree with you about the scarves(the same could be said about Italian women). I did note that women of all ages is France(especially in Paris) had terrific haircuts. Alas, I am not as bold as you. Your new hair looks great!
Karen, When you ‘crack’ the Parisienne chic, please let us all know. But, I agree with you. I saw hair salons at every turn in Paris. (What I did not see were nail salons like we have here.) I think once a French woman finds her favorite coiffure and her best stylist, they are bound forever.
I like before best. Sorry!
Diane, I LOVE your honesty. What I really like about the cut, that you probably can’t see, is the lightness at top. Thanks for writing!
Tres chic! Can’t wait to see it in person!
Thanks, Sherry.
Sharon, I love it. It is so CHIC!!! I love your daring jump. I think at our age, we all need to take a chance occasionally. 🙂
Beverly, With a short cut like ours, we can’t hide behind our hair. It takes about 10 minutes to dry. So we can get on with so many more important contributions to life!
Wow, what a cute cut, and daring. But you’re right. We need to take the plunge sometimes as we age. Can’t wait to see it in person. Hope to see it at church tomorrow. My dream would be to disappear for a time, get in great shape, lose a few (or more) pounds and reappear. I guess I will have to settle for getting in walking shape for long walks as I am going to New York in January with my daughter and daughter in law and her mom. And if I happen to drop a few pounds while I’m getting into walking shape then so much the better.
Cindy, Thanks for sharing your dream. I KNOW you can do it. Sounds like a mini-makeover–a more fit version of YOU! Hope you go for it. (Sounds harder than me sitting down in a chair and closing my eyes. Haha.)
So cute, Sharon! It suits you perfectly.
Judy, Somehow getting rid of some hair just lightened my entire outlook.
Very cute and a bit edgy! Now we need a picture of Mary Beth! 🇫🇷
Janet, I asked Mary Beth if she wanted a ‘new do’ too, but she declined. Next time…for sure!
Comme tu es belle! Très chic! When I was in France studying abroad I got a perm one day on a whim. It took hours and hours and I missed my train to Paris – which led to me taking a later train which led to a night alone on a bench in Gare de Lyon — but I looked fab!!
Oh Mithra, I wish I could have seen your ‘before’ and ‘after.’ Truly a memory for a lifetime.
LOVE your new haircut. Makes you look younger.
Haha Lita, You made my day. Now I kNOW it was worth it!
Sharon, I love it!! I’m also proud of you for your sense of adventure and “going for it”. I love France and especially Paris. So glad you have this wonderful memory.
My first thought was “that is NOT you!!” haha I still don’t recognize you! So….I guess I need to see you in person to decide
which cut I like best. But of course, I love the old you! It sounded like a fabulous trip though! And why not do something daring in Paris!! 🙂
Ha, ha. You aren’t the only one who has said that. It looks like me to me. Isn’t that funny! Thanks so much for writing.
I love it, Sharon, and you were definitely brave. I’m glad you clarified you are not breaking up with your home town stylist, because this relationship is sacred. I had to break up with a long time stylist once, and it was so awkward! Anyway, you look adorable and so happy you had a wonderful trip to France, which included a new look!
Yes, Molly,
Breaking up with your stylist is as Neil Sedaka says, ‘hard to do.’ Thanks for writing.