For Halloween I dressed up as a legendary lady I have admired for years–Iris Apfel. Even if you don’t know this 97 year-old style maven’s name, you’ll probably recognize her signature spectacles.
Iris has her own ‘quintessential style,’ but what I emulate most is her attitude.
Many have nicknamed Iris “a rare bird.” What makes her so is the unapologetic authenticity with which she dresses–and lives her life.
Apfel admonishes the idea of rule-following, “I don’t know why people are dispensing advice and telling other people what to do all the time. That’s why everything is so boring,” says Iris.
Lessons learned from Iris.
“Buy what you like. You’re not going to wear it forever.”
Why do we women think we have to keep clothing and accessories forever? Let’s weed out what we don’t love, and the things that don’t fit us or our lifestyles any longer. We’re not getting any younger, and our closets aren’t getting any bigger. Dress (and love) who you are right now.
“It’s been very fun. I like to do things that are fun. If you don’t have fun, what good is it?”
(This is what Iris said–at age 95–after she partnered with Macy’s to design a signature line of clothing for women.) Why can’t we all embark on new adventures and proceed with the attitude of’ making it fun’?
“I’m always challenging myself. I always want to do better…I think that every
day I don’t learn something is a bad day.”
Wow, this will make you think.
“If you put something together and it doesn’t look so good, the fashion police are not going to come take you away. And if they do you might have some fun in jail!”
Dressing should be fun–not a chore. If you make a mistake–so what? Hey, you learned something new about dressing that day!
“Without color, you might as well be dead.”
No further explanation needed.
“In the proper tonality, I never met a color that I didn’t like.”
Just as we say in Quintessential Style: You can wear any color, as long as it is the correct shade and clarity for you.
But, the greatest lesson I have learned from Iris is this:
“Fashion you can buy, but style you possess. The key to style is learning who you are–which takes years. There’s no how-to road map to style. It’s about self-expression and, above all, ATTITUDE.”

You make a glamorous “Iris” Sharon!
Love you, dear friend!
I think we will all become icons in our own right–someday.
Thanks for writing.
Thanks for sharing!
Happy Halloween, Jill.
Sharon, you look adorable! Love Iris’ attitude and wisdom. I have to say I have several fashion icons – Audrey Hepburn, Isabelle Hupert, Ines de la Fressange, Emanuelle Alt, and only recently but wonderfully, Amal Clooney. All of these women take Classics, give ’em a kick, and embody simple elegance.
Happy Halloween!
I don’t know all the ladies you mentioned, but I will certainly look them up! May we all become icons to someone!
Sharon, I love it! You look so cute! What a great tribute to such an inspirational woman who really knows who she is. May we all age as well.
Thanks for sharing!
Yes, Patricia,
Here’s to aging with as much grace as Iris!
Omg, Sharon, you did a great job imitating Iris! I do know of her, and I like to think I’m a lot like her….except I DO keep clothing and accessories forever, so we differ there. I don’t like people telling me what to do all the time! 🙂 And…I really dress for myself, not any one or any group! Like Iris, I like to do things that are fun and as she points out, “if you don’t have fun, what good is it?” Oh, and my motto is you have to laugh at least once a day!!!
What a great motto! You are like Iris. And I think the reason she doesn’t keep everything is because she lives in a small apartment in NYC!
Sharon, I love Iris Apfel’s “true to herself” style and that she is still having fun at 97. You did a great job dressing as her with the iconic glasses. I also love her use of color..
She is one of a kind for sure. Inspiring and authentic (much like you and your uplifting website). Thanks for writing!