Last week’s blog discussed the concept of dressing to create visual balance. The idea is to balance your proportions with the ‘eye,’ not the measuring tape. Because everyone has the ability to become a ‘visual shape shifter.’
This week I am using my baseball hero as an example of how to appear visually taller (and thinner).
Here is a photo of 5’6″ Jose Altuve of the Houston Astros.

Look at the photos below. At left, Jose is looking swanky in head-to-toe black…mighty fine. At right, Jose is looking oh-so cute and athletic–but not as tall–in his American League All Star uniform.
Can you see the difference?
WHY does Jose appear longer and leaner in the suit? Because in the photo at right, Jose’s body is visually ‘chopped up’ by the lines in his uniform.
< ——- Visual line at arm
<——- Visual line at waist
<——– Visual line at knee
One fluid line keeps your eye moving vertically, while horizontal cuts cause your eye to pause. How many horizontal lines can you see on this model?

See how these monochromatic (head-to-toe) looks keep the eye moving with no stops?
Clothing was meant to flatter your body…It’s not your body’s job to accommodate your clothes.
YOU get to choose garments that have the lines that will help you show off your most flattering silhouette. It’s simply a matter of finding clothes that create an illusion of balance and proportion. How would you ultimately like to look? Taller, thinner, curvier, less curvy? Want to disguise your tummy, thighs, hips?
A marriage made in heaven is when the the lines of your outfit and the lines of your body come together to create the illusion you want … Quintessential Style
To learn more basic principles of LINE AND DESIGN: The Art of Illusion, refer to Chapter 4 in Quintessential Style.
P.S. A huge thank you to superstar Jose Altuve.
Sharon, I love your blog because I actually learn from it and it gives me something to think about! So many “fashion” blogs are just clothing advertisements. When I grow up I want to have your sense of style!
Laura, if only we had learned concepts from Q Style years ago. How many fashion/shopping mistakes could have been avoided? I am indebted to my coauthor, Janna Beatty, for teaching us all how to ‘see ourselves more clearly.’
Thank you sending the greatest compliment you could have given us.
p.s. Don’t you just love Jose!
Sharon, I love baseball and your lesson on line in style using Jose Altuva’s height! Great job!
Your note made my day! Thanks so much and Go ASTROS!