My daughter gave me a fabulous book for Christmas titled 50 Ways to Wear a Scarf by Lauren Friedman. If you read my closet blog last year, you might remember I confessed to owning a whopping 67 scarves! For me, wearing a scarf is like wearing art.
And you cannot deny that some of the most iconic women of our century wore scarves:
“A scarf is more than just an accessory; it has the power to transport your style to another time or place.” …Lauren Friedman
Author and illustrator Lauren Friedman says, “I wrote this book to show the many style possibilities held within a single scarf. If you’re tired of tying a simple loop every time you reach for a scarf–fear not. I’ve illustrated fifty techniques, and each one says something a little different.”

I own several scarf-tying books where images of scarves are usually shown tied onto a bare dress form. What I found so unique about Lauren’s book is that she not only shows step-by-step instructions for creating each look; but also suggests, through meticulous illustration, what particular neckline/outfit the scarf might look good with.
For example, if you’re wearing a jacket, you may want to wear your scarf tied like this:
Or, if you have on a collared shirt, you might tie your scarf this way:
For a cardigan, consider this:
Of course you can style each scarf in a myriad of ways. Whether you’re wearing a scoop, jewel neck, or even going strapless, there’s a bow, a drape, or a knot for you. You can even turn your scarf into a headband, a bustier, or a clutch. Don’t have a necklace? Just use your scarf! Lauren shows you how.
Create a mood. Want glamour, fun, mystery? You got it.
“A scarf is the last flourish, the exclamation point to the daily narrative of getting dressed…” — Lauren Friedman
Lauren even illustrates how to store scarves using this great scarf hanger from IKEA.
I happen to own one. But apparently I was doing it all wrong.

Lauren, on behalf of scarf lovers everywhere–Thank you.
Find 50 Ways to Wear a Scarf at Chronicle Books or Amazon.com. And visit Lauren Friedman’s website at: www.laurenfriedman.com.

Illustrations excerpted from 50 Ways to Wear a Scarf from Chronicle Books. Used with permission.
Great article Sharon! I was just in my closet yesterday pulling out scarves so I could donate one or two to the Nan Brown Garden Club’s silent auction on accessories! You probably would never believe I have any scarves because I NEVER wear them…unless in the dead of winter!! Yes, I have quite a few! I buy them because I think they are beautiful, then I’ll put them on when I’m getting ready to go somewhere, then I take them off and pull out a piece of jewelry!! I just think I look better in bling than fabric!! But I’ll keep buying any that I think are beautiful!!
Sometimes I use my pashminas or scarves in other ways, rather than wear them. I don’t have 67 anymore, but I still have a lot. A scarf is like a handbag or pair of shoes…you can only wear one at a time! Drat!
Thanks for writing.