We have a saying in the South: “If you’re goin’ out, Honey…put on everything you own!” Well, maybe not everything. But, what’s wrong with a
I want to introduce 82-year-old Dr. La Verne Ford Wimberly of Tulsa, Oklahoma. When the pandemic hit, the retired principal wasn’t able to attend church in person, so she decided–even though she wasn’t technically IN CHURCH–she was going to dress up as if she were.

For 52 weeks La Verne donned her Sunday best. Sharing photos like these on Facebook.
“I just decided…I’m going to get

“I wanted not only to keep myself motivated, but I wanted to help keep others motivated as well, to inspire them, encourage them, and kind of eradicate some types and forms of depression, isolation, fear
I only wish I’d known months ago, so I could have followed this lovely lady who refused to be “slouchy” in order to motivate others to be their best, even in the worst of times.
I can imagine Dr. La Verne Wimberly was some kind of teacher and principal! This remarkable woman found a way to contribute positivity in the midst of fear and worry. And she never even had to leave her house to do it.

Doesn’t she just exude joy? And, make you want to go buy a hat???
La Verne, your “quintessential” style is impeccable. And your smile is infectious.
Thanks for reminding us:
P.S. La Verne, I friended you today on Facebook!
Such an awesome lady with fabulous style, thanks for sharing this uplifting story!
I was as uplifted by this as you were. Thank you for writing. I hope it made you smile, too.
Loved this blog!
This woman has the right idea as it’s just too easy to become comfortable wearing PJ’s.
Shirley, you are so right!
It was too easy becoming slouchy. I’ll have to work harder getting my “mojo” back.
La Verne is an inspiration. I love her hats and her attitude. There’s something about getting dressed and putting a smile on your face that also lifts others up. My Mom always reminded me of the month’s preceding my wedding. David and I were about 700 miles apart and long distance phone calls were expensive. Once a week we called each other and talked for 15 minutes. Before those phone calls I would get dressed up, fix my hair and put makeup on. I was mentally preparing myself to be with my fiancé. It’s all a state of mind. I think we need to make ourselves better and be happy and others will follow suit.
I love it! You dressed up for a land-line phone call and your fiance couldn’t even see you!
I’ve heard it said, “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” In your case, you dressed for the “man” you wanted.
And you got him!