You rush out the door. You fly to the car and pull out of the drive. You quickly realize you forgot to put on lipstick. You reach for your purse. Down, down, down into its depths.
Caution: Scratching around in the bottom of your purse while driving can be potentially hazardous. Who knows how long it will take to find that tube in the black hole we call our handbag.
Keep your eyes on the road, for Heaven’s sake!
What’s in your wallet…I mean purse? And how is it organized? Do you have everything you need at your fingertips?

One of the single greatest inventions of our time is the slider “Ziploc” bag. I know there are lots of classy make-up cases out there, but let’s face it, when you need to freshen your breath, who wants to sift through everything they own to get to an Altoid?
The best thing about a Ziploc is you can see through it. Second best is the smooth ‘slider’. (I definitely recommend the slider over those pinch, pinch, pinch-to-close bags.) Third best is the cost: approximately 10¢ each.

In this New Year, I decided to get more purse-organized. I thought hard about what I might need when I ventured far from home.
Besides the obvious: keys, phone, billfold, I customized my Ziploc. You can customize the contents of yours, too.

I bagged everything up into one, easy-to-see parcel:

You can save those fancy cosmetic bags for things you don’t use as often–but need occasionally.
It is my hope that this will make my day, and my driving trips, a little easier.
Now, if I can only find my keys! Wait… here’s the solution:

Stop the messy purse madness now. Don’t let this happen to you:

URGENT: Please send any and all purse organization tips. We gals need all the help we can get.
I love this. The picture was obviously my purse!!!
You are not the only one.
Got a dime, Lori? You too can be organized.
Oh, Sharon, this was my purse!! I loved this tip which you shared with me another time. The Ziplocks are wonderful and the slider close are the only way to go. Otherwise it doesn’t close and you dump everything right back into the “black hole” of your purse. The pictures were hilarious…..and so true!
I got the idea from Janna, of course.
As soon as I realized I could ‘see everything’ in a Ziploc, I was hooked.
Thanks for writing.
I love the idea of something I can feel to know when I have reached my keys!
Believe me, your husband will love it, too. Especially when he has to reach down into the black holes of our purses!
Oh, boy – Sharon, you described my purse to a “t”. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve ransacked my purse to find that one thing, only to discover the lost city of Atlantis instead (lol! – loved that cartoon above). Ziplocs! Who knew? Never would’ve thought of that on my own. Thank you! I already feel better organized.
As you can see, Judy, you are not alone. If this idea helps you become one iota more organized, it has done its job.