If any of you have been watching the National League Baseball playoffs, you’ve probably noticed a fashion anomaly on the field. Atlanta Braves’ outfielder, Joc Pederson, wearing a pearl necklace. Unusual…or is it?
When asked about the pearls, Joc simply said,
“There’s not much behind it. I like it. It looks good. …It wasn’t something that was supposed to get this much media attention.”

“I’ve seen black chains and gold chains but I saw the pearls and I liked them. So I reached out to my jeweler,” says the outfielder.
Now that’s what I call a STATEMENT NECKLACE. And I love Joc’s confidence and his Quintessential Style!
It may seem unconventional to us, and while we might equate pearls with femininity, why can’t a guy wear them, too?
No one is attacking this outfielder’s masculinity, especially when fans consider those pearls to be a mighty good luck charm.

“Pearls are always appropriate.” … said Jackie Kennedy.
Obviously Joc thinks so, too!
What do you think? Obviously it won’t matter to Joc either way.
I ❤️ pearls…My late husband gave me a pearl necklace when our daughter was born. Perhaps because I connect child birth with my pearls, I just can’t wrap my fashion consciousness around seeing them on any man! 😱
The first time I saw Joc Pederson at bat with pearls on, I just had to stare. But, later after I found out he thought they “just looked good,” I had to admire him for making such a daring sartorial choice. Especially when he was surrounded by men that could have been pretty tacky.
I had hoped, like you, that his choice brought back a sentimental memory, like yours.
That would have been even sweeter.
Thanks for writing.