A lot of subliminal activity happens when we shop. We can conjure up all sorts of sly messages to convince ourselves to buy. Do you hear voices when you go shopping? Maybe you’re being bamboozled, and you don’t even realize it.
What kinds of things are the racks of clothing whispering to you?
- “Go ahead, buy me. I’m cheap…even if you only wear me once.”
- “Everyone else is wearing me.”
- “You NEED me.”
- “I’m the latest and greatest.“
- “All your friends have me.”
- “Come on. You’ve got the money.”
- “The sales girl thinks I look amazing on you!”
- “Don’t worry, all you have to do is lose 10 pounds and I’ll fit perfectly.”
- “You’ll find something to go with me–When you get me home.”
and the biggest con of all says: “I’M ON SALE…I’M ON SALE…
Wow… sneaky.
Buyer’s Remorse is a terrible thing. (Luckily, most of the time we can return.)
In last week’s blog, we discussed all the right things a garment should be saying to you. If the garments on the racks aren’t saying those things–just ignore them.
This cautionary advice does not apply strictly to clothing purchases. Think about it when you are deciding to buy anything–dishes, a couch, a tablecloth, a chair, a vase. Are you buying for all the right reasons, or are you being duped by marketing strategies?
Become your own best personal shopper. Never hear voices again…except your own. After all, no one knows YOU better than YOU!

Have you ever had buyer’s remorse? I have. Please make us all feel better and comment below.
Yes! I don’t shop at sales any more, Sharon, because I bought such rubbish at times just because it was a ‘good deal.’ If I find something I like, fits well, is comfortable, and somewhat stylish and I need it, I buy it. Even if it means paying full price. The clothes racks do talk to us, don’t they?
It takes time to learn that ‘cheap’ isn’t always the best deal. We may be older, but hopefully wisdom has come with age. Ha. Thanks for writing.
Even though I am a Color 1 consultant, and an expert shopper and know exactly what flatters me I sometimes struggle with my internal voices when I am trying to decide if I should buy a new piece of clothing. My voices ask “Is it worth the money? Can I afford it? I want it, but do I need it? Am I being too self-indulgent? Can it be made flattering if I get some alterations?”
I have 3 things I do to help me decide.
1. I carry a container of straight pins because I usually need alterations. After I pin the piece of clothing, this helps me to see if it truly will be flattering after it is altered.
2. I have a sales person take a picture of me wearing the clothing. It’s always easier to look at a photo and be more objective than looking in the mirror.
3. If all else fails I pull out my pendulum and ask my pendulum. My pendulum will say swing clockwise for Yes and counterclockwise for No. Nancy Goldblatt, Wardrobe Wizard
Great tips, Nancy. I have never heard of the ‘straight pin’ tip. But what a great idea. Ditto, the photo idea. I guess we all just have to trust our own ‘pendulum’ when we shop.
I admit I can be lured by a great sale price but am trying to ignore the temptation to buy something just because it is on sale. Since I often have a difficult time finding clothes to fit my body type, I am also tempted to buy anything that fits whether or not it is a good color or style for me. As a result I end up with items that may not go with anything else I own! Thank you for the encouragement to be more cognizant in what to buy!!
You are not alone. It’s easy to buy on a sale whim. Thankfully return policies are good…if we don’t wait too long. Thanks for writing.
Many times I will see an item on a rack that is the right color or style, but it isn’t available in my size. That’s when my “voice” tells me “ You weren’t meant to have that item!” Sometimes those voices can keep you out of trouble when you try it on. They say “ you aren’t 20 anymore, put that back on the rack!”
What a wise woman you are, Janet. Trusting your intuition and looking for clothing that is perfect for who you are TODAY!