On a recent trip to New Orleans, I overheard an unusual French-Cajun expression, LAGNIAPPE (pronounced Lan-yap). The word means “a little something extra”. An unexpected bonus. Or something your might receive as a free gift. Of course I immediately placed the word within the context of style.
When I see a stylish woman, I usually notice “a little something extra” in her appearance. I can’t always pinpoint precisely what it is. But oftentimes, it is the simple way she “puts it all together” so perfectly.
I began thinking about so many of my stylish friends–each very different in coloring, age, height, body type. And how brilliantly they use simple techniques to compliment their own “Quintessential Style.”
How to Create
“A Little Something Extra”
There is no better way to compliment your look than by wearing colors that are perfect for you. Learn what shades harmonize best with your hair color and skin tone. Neutrals are nice, but, as we mature, we need color to revive our fresh, youthful look.
How Important is Color?
As my co author, image consultant Janna Beatty says: “Humans look better in color!” (That saying is so important, we used it as the title of Chapter 3 in our book.)
And remember this: “Color is the first thing seen, and the last thing remembered.” (Also from our book.)
You can even use color to send subconscious messages. (Refer to page 31 in Quintessential Style.)
Accessories that harmonize with the mood of your look can create a “wow” moment of style.
Janna likes to refer to accessories as “necessaries.” She says she owns more accessories than clothing, because she considers clothing to simply set the stage–it is her canvas. Accessories create the real art!
Clothing that flatters your body and fits well can create a beautiful silhouette. No matter your size.
Once you learn your body shape (page 36), you can customize outfits to enhance your figure. And remember, we all have something to flaunt: amazing legs, strong shoulders, a small waist, a beautiful bosom.
Remember: “Baggy clothing does not–I repeat–does not help us look slimmer. Clothing should skim our bodies.” Refer to page 43 for line and design tips.
Style has absolutely nothing to do with your size. In fact, my favorite quote in our book is from friend Adele Dallas Orr, who says:
“It’s not what size you wear. It’s HOW you wear your size.”
Sometimes it can be hard to put a look together without some guidance and inspiration. I do love websites like Talbot’s and Chico’s where they give you ideas on creating stylish looks–whether using pieces you purchase or pieces you already own. Take a look:

As stated above, personal style has nothing to do with size OR with how much money you spend on clothing and accessories.
“Personal style is just that–PERSONAL. What you have to be is yourself. Because it’s not about styling an outfit; it’s about styling who you are.” …Introduction to Q Style
I hope this blog will inspire you to add a bit of “lagniappe” to your next outfit. Something extra–that perfectly expresses your personal style.
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