Robin Williams once said, “Spring is nature’s way of saying: Let’s Party!” What a marvelous thought. With birds singing, grass greening, and a new season bursting forth, let’s join the throng and get in the spirit, with three fashion trends that will have us celebrating in no time.
Obviously nothing announces spring like FLORALS. Not only are they in bloom outside, they’re also sprouting up everywhere on the runway.

Be sure to consider your personal Color Type when choosing florals. Some may not be bright enough, and some can simply overpower you.
It has been dubbed ‘the bold shoulder’ and even ‘the cold shoulder.’ But, whatever you call it, the bare, OFF-THE-SHOULDER LOOK isn’t new to fashion. This trend was made famous in the 1950’s by French film star Brigitte Bardot.
“Shoulders are the new cleavage,” declares blogger Rachel Perkins.

This look can work for any age. And you get to decide how much skin to reveal. Variations on the theme:
Feminine, romantic, or even sexy? What do you want to communicate with your shoulders?
(Tops at left by Clara Sun Woo.)
The color BLUSH is being touted as ‘the new neutral.’ And what’s not to love about the sophistication of pale pink? Take a look at these easy ways to incorporate blush into your existing wardrobe.

But remember ladies, neutrals aren’t really considered part of the color wheel, as mentioned in a previous blog. So if you wear blush, especially at your face, you may find you need the addition of a bit more color. Perhaps an eye-colored earring or a little brighter cheek or lip?
To blush, or not to blush–it’s up to you.
Think feminine when adding to your personal collection this season: Florals, Off-the-Shoulder, Blush. And, if you’re lucky enough, you might just find all three trends together.

Thank you to the late Robin Williams for all the laughs, and for reminding us:
Hip, Hip Hooray; it’s Spring.
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