Imagine being invited to a tropical destination wedding…in FEBRUARY! How would I ever be beach-ready in mid-winter? I hadn’t even lost my Christmas-cookie weight. And what about my lily-white body? Hard to imagine in a bathing suit…or was it?
I mentioned my anxiety to the aunt of the groom. She had the consummate reply: “I’m not worried…I have a GREAT cover-up!”
Ladies, fear not the swimsuit… Because It’s Really All About the Cover-up.
At our ages, we probably shouldn’t be worshipping the sun anyway. We should be lounging under a palapa, slathered with sunscreen, sipping a frosty margarita. In a fabulous cover-up!
Sometimes it can be more fun to shop for a cover-up than it is to shop for a bathing suit.
Image consultant Janna Beatty says, “Just as you would choose any other garment, look for a cover-up that is:
- A Beautiful Color: Pick a complementary color and appropriate pattern size.
- Flattering for Your Body Type: Choose a cover-up that enhances your best features.
- A Reflection of Your Personal Style: American classic, chic, sexy, exotic, fresh and natural.”

This was my cover-up of choice for the February wedding in Costa Rica.

More ideas:

Remember ladies, sometimes the cover-up can be just as alluring as the suit.
This one made me smile. We are our own worst critics and swimsuit season brings out the worst of the worst self doubts and critiques. I am always so apprehensive about that first walk outside in my suit. Then, I look around. Where are all those women with flawless figures… skinny except for their breast size with whom I had compared myself while looking in the mirror? In magazines, of course. Yes, there are, and always will be, a few young women who look marvelously fit and gorgeous, BUT the vast majority are just normal looking people, men included, who look just that…normal. Once that sinks in, I then relax and enjoy the surroundings of sand, sun and fun again…that is until next summer.
Enjoyed this post very much!
Thanks, Sharon,
Yes, it’s true. We are our own worst critics. Hopefully when we get to the pool, we can forget about how we look and just have fun. If not, there’s always a great cover-up!
This brought a smile to my face because I face this every year when we go to Maui! I spend more time and money, on my swim suit…cover up!
I have several and I try to not pack all of them when I go! Carl loves the pool; loves to swim; loves the sun (although not so much any more since he’s had skin cancers removed!) I don’t like the water or the sun; but what I do like is the pool bar!! They have lots of tables with umbrellas in that area, and this is where I sit and sip and read a book! I usually have a long sleeve airy-light cover-up on. If it’s a short top, then I wear a tropical Palazzo type pant with it. Plus, of course, my big brimmed hat and it has to match what I have on! In the beginning I covered up because I wasn’t comfortable at a pool after I was no longer a size 10! Looking around there were actually women much larger than I was, and they had no trouble walking around with just a swim suit on!! I never got that confidant! And Yes, I do have a bathing suit on, but it will never see the light of day!! haha
Hilde, It’s just my opinion, but I’d rather see a mature woman beautifully ‘covered’, than some who simply let it ‘all hang out’. Again just my opinion. I asked my husband and he said the same. Sometimes the mystery is the most alluring. Thank you for writing.
I just got to this blog and it is great!! I DREAD swimsuit season. I loved this blog. You are so spot on with this answer to Hilde’s comments. I have always thought the best dressing requires that the mystery is the most alluring rather than what is the smallest size you can fit into. (No one can see the tag size!!!!)
Loved this and Hilde!
Haha, Diane,
You are so right…No one can see the tag size!
I love that. Thanks for reminding us.