Years ago, my mother owned a small, pocket-sized book from the 1950’s that contained facial exercises for women. Exercises meant to strengthen muscles in an effort to help skin look more toned and taut. Unfortunately, I have misplaced that little book, but I laugh now as I remember standing in front of the mirror–as a teenager–imitating those pictures.

Firstly, I don’t know why I thought I needed to get rid of jowls or crows feet at the age of 16, but appearance is usually a top priority during a girl’s high school years. And–after all–it didn’t cost anything.
Fast forward 50 years. There are so many wrinkle creams, toning devices, chemicals, and procedures available now meant to tone and tighten, those those exercises seem astoundingly primitive.
But, perhaps not. As I researched information for this blog, I found all manners of help for women willing to pinch, vibrate, or jiggle their face into submission.

Excercise books, facial vibrators, and wrinkle tape were among the top items. (Although that middle picture is eerily reminiscent of “Silence of the Lambs.” Yikes!)

With a desire to maintain her youthful beauty and stage presence, Mrs. Kroesen created Wrinkle Eradicators (as they were first called) by employing the basic principle of fitness to the muscles of the face.
I’m guessing most of us have tried a thing or two to help with age spots, wrinkles, sagging skin.
So, now I’m asking my readers: WHAT HAVE YOU TRIED? And what has been effective–or not so effective–for You? There is NO judgement here.
I’m not currently exercising my face (although, maybe I should be). But, here are a few things I do in an attempt to deal with the “aging process.”
- Mask* every morning (instead of washing my face) to exfoliate and prime my skin for moisturizer.
- Use a moisturizer* with Hyaluronic Acid–It’s not really as scary as it sounds–to plump my skin.
- Use sunscreen or a foundation with sunscreen in it.
- Once a week, use a mask with lactic acid or fruit acid to more fully exfoliate and brighten skin.
*I use Janna’s products, which you can order at
I also recognize that as I age, I’m losing moisture and color (as explained in page 99 of QUINTESSENTIAL STYLE). So I try to replenish moisture and add color at my face–using makeup, clothing, and accessories.
I recently gave a talk to a lovely group of ladies and I demonstrated how SCARVES can really add color, texture, and interest to an outfit.
Now that I have confessed my routine and regimen, please write and tell us about yours. We always loving hearing and learning from YOU!
“Today you are the oldest you’ve ever been, and the youngest you’ll ever be again.”
–Eleanor Roosevelt
Very timely post, Sharon. Since November I’ve ordered and returned the NuFace mini and the Trinity. I just didn’t want to mess with that every morning. Sounds great in theory. It’s not like had something else to do, either! A YouTuber had a video of her Facial Flex device so I whipped mine out (after 30+ years) and used it faithfully for two weeks and saw improvement in the jowls …but wrinkles appeared above top lip. Sadly, I put it away. I follow Angie Hot and Flashy on YT and follow a portion of her skincare regimen. I’ve seen improvement in my skin but it doesn’t stop gravity! I’m looking at the Omnilux mask – red light therapy – but haven’t decided yeah or nay yet. At nearly 69, there comes a point when it becomes moot.
I confess I have not heard of NuFace mini, the Trinity, or the Facial Flex. There are so many gadgets to choose from. But, thank goodness we have choices. Whatever works for you–and whatever you can keep doing consistently–seems to be the best choice.
Thanks for writing.
I remember watching and exercising with Jack LaLanne along with my mother in the early 60’s. He always did facial exercises. They were very exaggerated facial movements.
I see advertising for Botox and I wonder how people could voluntarily get needles stuck in their face! I’ve decided that I earned all my facial wrinkles and I will live with them. I did go to the dermatologist and she used liquid nitrogen on my brown spots. They oozed for several days before they got better. I’m not sure I’ll do that again.
My cousin used to say, “You have to suffer for beauty.” It’s so unfair–why don’t men suffer?
I’ve just discovered Le Prunier facial is amazing. I’ve tried other oils that seemed to sit on my skin and do nothing. This one is different.
Thank you for the tip. I have not heard of this oil, but will look into it. We all love a good testimonial from someone who’s tried the product.
I am 79 1/2 years old and think I don’t look a day older than 80! The only thing I have done consistently through my life is keep out of the sun. I did not start till I was about 21 so have sun damage from those days at the pool and the beach and the back yard. But, since then I have worn sun screen every single day, used hats and umbrellas to avoid the sun. I even drive with gloves to protect my hands. I believe I now know that what I used to call age spots are really sun spots! When I remove make up I use either mineral oil or petroleum jelly.
Thank you, Marianne,
I had to laugh at that first sentence. It seems like you have been doing all the RIGHT things. Sunscreen EVERY DAY–thanks for the motivation. I’m quite sure your humor also keeps you young!