If you asked me what a blog was five years ago I could not have told you. But these days I write and post one every week. As does my good friend Judy McLane. Only months after saying goodbye to a 33-year career as co-owner of a successful ad agency in Southern California, Judy plunged into the creation of her popular website, Harmony Designed.
In a recent interview, I asked Judy what inspired her to “reset” her life.
“I may have stepped out of the mainstream (work-wise), but that doesn’t mean I’m stepping away from life . . . Perhaps to some, age 60+ means ‘old and done.’ The deal is, I don’t feel old…and I am certainly not done.”
“Do I really want to go ‘quietly into the night?’ Not on your life.” — Judy McLane
Judy writes about everything: style, home design, fashion trends, books, midlife, friendship, aging. Her fresh perspective and insights challenge us to think. And, she admits, “They might not be the most earth-shattering issues in the world.”
Well, sometimes we’re not in the mood for earth-shattering. Sometimes we just want a quick idea or a fun read. For example, in one of Judy’s blogs titled “To Tuck or Not to Tuck,” Judy had me questioning whether I looked best when I tucked my shirt into my pants or left it untucked. She gave a simple explanation why one looked better than the other.
Had I ever thought of this? No, I had not. If you want to read her tucking blog, click here.
In a more pondering post, Judy’s topic revolved around the idea of ‘Setting an Intention for Your Day.”
Click here to read.
I asked Judy what made her turn to ‘blogging’? I mean she had just retired–didn’t she simply want to chill?

“I knew I wouldn’t be able to just relax and do nothing when I left my job. But whatever I decided to take on had to be something creative. I followed several 50+ bloggers and always had a love for fashion and style myself. I also enjoyed writing, so it seemed a natural step for me to pursue a blog.”
“I spent a lot of time researching the technology and platforms used for websites. It was quite a challenge because I’m not very technically inclined. On the other hand, it forced me to stretch my brain and learn something new.”
Judy seems to have transitioned seamlessly from career woman to successful blogger. I asked her what advice she would give other women who were considering ‘resetting’ or simply ‘rebooting’ their present lifestyle.
“My advice to anyone considering a life transition is to do some prep work before delving into any major change. Think about things you’ve always dreamed of doing, or things you love; interests you have, but never fully had the chance to indulge in.”
Most of us can’t make wholesale changes to our lives on the turn of a dime, but we can take small steps to help us get going in the right direction.” — Judy McLane
As a blogger myself, I’m always looking for new websites with fresh viewpoints. Some make me laugh, some make me wonder, some simply help me forget–for a moment–about the chaos surrounding me. Check out Judy’s website and find more inspiration at Harmony Designed.com.

1 Comment
Congrats Judy!!!!