When asked to describe her style in a few words, popular blogger, speaker, and journalist Pam Lutrell does not hesitate: strong, confident, creative, and chic. And you need only meet this dynamic lady once, to confirm that her style statement fits her to a tee.

But she admits that she has not always felt this way.
Pam: “In my 30’s and 40’s, I let myself go to the bottom of the priority list. I internalized criticisms of other people and let it shut me down…my style became frumpy, I- don’t- care- lack of style. When I turned 50, I had a wake-up call moment from my driver’s license renewal picture. In the last 12 years, I have completely turned my style and my attitude around. Now, I MATTER and put me at the top of the list and I dress and take care of myself for me first. I no longer give others the power to make me feel bad about myself. I became a student of learning style, beauty and health and in 2010 began to share all I learned in my blog.”

Pam noticed, what we’ve all noticed, but are sometimes reluctant to admit–aging is synonymous with change.
“Aging means we change all the time. I recently lost 30 pounds for health reasons. I started weight training at age 60; I began aggressively caring properly for my skin. I make adjustments all the time…I cannot wear earrings right now, so I wear fabulous jewelry in other places; I have hammer toes and messed up feet, so I make sure I have wonderful flats and comfort heels to wear. I have learned to dress, the body I have no matter my size, in slimming ways so I feel confident. I am certain now that I am over 60 I will be making adjustments all the time in order to look and feel my best.”

Confidence Comes from Within
“Our outside reflects what is happening on the inside. When I realized I MATTER and I began to transform myself from the outside in, I began to experience a joy and freedom I had not known in a long time. Confidence is a powerful tool. Once we achieve walking in strength and confidence, we have courage to make other decisions and to go forward in areas we have been slow to tackle. The more I began to gain control of certain areas of my life, I wanted to have the control over all areas of my life.”

“Don’t fear change…embrace it. It is not scary or difficult, but tons of fun. Above everything, remember life is short…don’t waste time lamenting…get out there and live. We are each unique individuals here for a purpose…do not waste time being jealous of another’s journey, just have fun walking your own.”
A few parting words.
“Live one day at a time. Life is a journey and not meant to be traveled all at once. Do not allow discouragement to shut you down, but take baby steps toward becoming the best you can be. Be teachable…there is so much to learn. Rebelliousness to learning just wastes time. Above all, keep smiling…it is by far your best accessory!”

It is always a pleasure to hear from strong, wise women. Thank you, Pam Lutrell. See more of Pam’s wisdom on her weekly style column: http://www.midlifeboulevard.com, and as a blogger for HUFF 50 on the Huffington Post.
“Confidence is a powerful tool. Once we achieve walking in strength and confidence, we have courage to make other decisions and to go forward in areas we have been slow to tackle.” –Pam Lutrell
This blog was great! It hits close to home with me, advice to remember……….daily 🙂
Thank you!
This is a wonderful piece on Pam! She’s an inspiration to so many women., and genuinely cares.
Thanks for writing, Jennifer…you should know!
Find Jennifer’s great blog: A Well Styled Life at http://www.awellstyledlife.com.
[…] a wonderful beginning to your week!! Special thanks to the ladies of QUINTESSENTIAL STYLE for featuring me on their website HERE! I am linking up with VISIBLE MONDAY…A […]