Ladies, I have been writing a blog and following style bloggers for years, and it seems that there is a secret they know that we may not. The secret is: they are not necessarily styling an outfit–they are styling who they are. And they use their natural coloring to help dictate what looks perfect on them.
Susan Street
Many of you subscribe to Susan Street’s blog “Susan After Sixty.” I interviewed Susan in 2015. (To read the article click here.) And I have been following her ever since. What I notice about Susan is how she puts outfits together that are always appropriate for the occasion–whether it be for a formal dinner, a day of shopping, or lunch out.

In this recent photo, Susan matched her hair color to her shoe color, which pulled this casual outfit together perfectly. Creating an amazing head-to-toe look.
Pam Lutrell
Pam Lutrell’s blog, “Over 50, Feeling 40,” is the first style blog I ever followed. I met Pam at a blogger’s conference and was totally blown away by her authenticity, her grace, and her style. You can read my interview with her here.

Pam doesn’t seem to follow trends or fashion rules. She chooses style that blends with her natural coloring and attributes. (Notice Pam’s choice of color and pattern in this animal print top that go perfectly with her hair and eye color.)
Josephine Lalwan
British blogger Josephine Lalwan is the creator of “Chic at Any Age.” She has an international following and her audience is geared toward mature woman who desire to remain stylish at every age. Click here to read my 2018 interview with Josephine.

Josephine guides readers on their style journey. Notice how she matches her hair color with her shoe color to create this bottoms up look. Although casual, it is tres chic!
Janna Beatty
This blog would not be complete without an style example from my esteemed co-author, Janna Beatty. She has taught me more style concepts than anyone else. Her 40+ years working with women has made her an expert in the image and color consulting business.

If this photo doesn’t convince you to coordinate your clothing, jewelry, and eyewear with your hair color and skin tone, I don’t know what will. As you can tell, everything blends to create this exquisite look.
The Takeaway here:
Each of these lovely ladies is completely different in her own distinct way. What they have in common is they have all discovered their unique attributes and have accentuated them to create a stylish version of their authentic selves. Their own truly QUINTESSENTIAL STYLE.
Take a good look at your hair color, eye color, and skin tone. Are you wearing the best colors for the life you’re living TODAY? Are you wearing more black and neutrals than you would like? Perhaps you need to clear out your closet and get rid of items that are no longer flattering. Take a cue from these stylists who are definitely maturing gracefully and stylishly.
Thank you Susan, Pam, Josephine, and Janna for allowing me to showcase your individuality. And kudos for helping women become the best, most confident versions of themselves.

Thank you for the great tips for styling an outfit! It always helps to have some place to start when dressing or packing for a trip. Matching hair color and shoes is good one for me to remember.
I never knew this concept until I wrote the book with Janna. Now, I notice it whenever I see my favorite style bloggers doing it.