Do you realize during the past four months we have completely skipped over our spring wardrobes? We’ve gone from heavy winter wear to lightweight summer outfits? After weeks of looking “schlumpy,” the floodgates are beginning to open. This poses the question: What are we going to wear now?
I don’t know about anyone else, but as we get back to semi-normality and we’re able to see friends again (in small batches), I can’t wait to put on something bright and happy–instead of the dull sweatpants and t-shirts I’ve been donning for the past four months. (Deepest apologies to my husband.)
I know what it will be for me: COLOR

I haven’t bought much online since the quarantine, but I noticed what I have ordered has all been very colorful. Perhaps I subconsciously needed a pepper-upper. But, even at the beginning of quarantine, I observed when I’d go to the grocery store, I’d have the urge to pick up a new lipstick–always a brightly-colored one. (Even though no one can
It doesn’t hurt that I’m a light-bright color type, but there seems to be something psychologically uplifting about wearing colors that make you happy.
A quote from our book says:
“…color is so powerful that it can produce unconscious physical and emotional reactions. It can excite, calm, draw you towards, or move you away from it.” –Sybil Henry
So here’s what I did order online. (And I found some phenomenal deals.):

A Kate Spade coral tote.

Rothy’s blue cornflower flat. colorful swimdress.
Even if there’s no more full face-to-face for a while, we can still get up, get dressed, and get out (a bit). So let’s make the most out of it. With happy, fun outfits that help us feel good.

Oh, go ahead–do it!
Nicely done. I loved the mask humor. I also love bright, vibrant colors! They definitely brighten my day and my attitude.
We can be thankful the quarantine did not happen during the winter months. With the arrival of summer, we’ll be sure to have loads of colorful garments to choose from (even if we don’t have any place to go).
Thanks for writing.
regarding the cartoon: “Men.. where is their FASHION sense”!!!!! Loved the humor.
Yes, Beverly, men definitely have their own quintessential style!
Sharon, I’ve been doing the same thing. Looking for color. I too ordered some bright colored tops, I’m ready for summer color but not for summer heat. Hopefully we’ll have a mild summer.
We completely skipped spring this year. Now the temps are in the triple digits some days.
Stay cool and colorful!
Sharon, I have to admit I ordered online, which is new to me! I like touching everything and trying them on!! So…just before we were hit with the virus, a couple of friends and I went to our favorite dress shop in Marlin! I came away with 3 brightly colored Spring tops! (I admit one was black and white!) 🙂 I had already been shut in for about 5 months with an illness! So I was so ready to get out of the house and wear a pretty colorful top!! So, I had not had time to wear my new ones when, there I was, stuck in the house again!! So to make myself feel better I got out these magazines I keep getting in the mail! I loved three beautiful, colorful tops, so I ordered them! Then a couple of weeks later I needed another happy boost, so I grabbed another magazine! So…it too had three blouses I couldn’t live without!!! I know, that was extreme but it made me happy!!! So now I’m making beautiful jewelry! And this keeps me sane!!
I think particularly now, we are drawn to items that make us happy. Color has the power to do that!
Thanks for sharing your tips for ‘staying sane.’
I just ordered some acid-green shoes! One of my new most favorite colors!
I wish I could see those. They sound fabulous!
What a fun color. Thanks for writing.