What accessory is affordable to everyone, can express your style, and may even save a life? You guessed it…a face mask. Such a simple thing that can do so much.
Lockdowns are lifted. We yearn to hug our friends, our kids, our grandkids. We want to shop. We want to leave the house. We want to work. We want to get back to normal. Boy, have we missed our freedom.

I recently met two friends for a visit. We all wore masks and tried to stay a safe distance apart.
If it takes a mask and safe-distancing to see friends again…that’s what it takes.
Why wear a mask?
A mask protects you. A mask protects the wearer’s nose and mouth from contact with droplets, splashes, and sprays that may contain germs.
A mask protects others in case the wearer has the virus.
Wearing a mask makes more than a style statement. It says, “I care about the health and welfare of my neighbors.” It speaks volumes about respect and consideration.

All over the country, folks are using their talents to help provide masks. I was incredibly proud to learn that in Chardon, Ohio, the Sisters of Notre Dame (my alma mater), have sewn and assembled over 1500 1700 masks to donate to the greater Cleveland area.

I asked friends and family to send photos of their masks, aka symbols of their consideration and concern for themselves and the rest of us. And a huge homage to our healthcare workers and others who have to wear a mask for hours at a time each day.
I’m not the only one who thinks masks are here to stay–at least for the summer. Take a look at this designer swimwear with coordinating masks from Tiziana Scaramuzzo.

This invisible enemy is still out there. Please be considerate to your loved ones and the loved ones of others. You never know whose health you could be saving.
If you don’t have a mask, you can make one yourself out of a bandana or a square of fabric. Click here to see how.
Thank you to my lovely friends and family, and to the Sisters of Notre Dame for your help with this blog! Stay well.
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