It began with thin paper masks, then graduated to simple cloth masks that tied in the back. Now I own about ten masks of all patterns and descriptions. How about you? I never wore a mask in my life. Then four months ago, BAM, I suddenly forgot what the bottom half of my face looked like.
If we’re going to be optimistic–and I always try to be optimistic in my blogs–our hope is that after a vaccine is available for this insidious virus, we will all be tossing our masks.
But, not so fast!
My friend, Shirley, who is quite a hoot, decided to suggest some things to do with our face coverings when this is all over. Take a look.
Shirley thought one additional use for her face mask might be as a chin lift. Sagging jowls BE GONE!

Or, what about a darling hair accessory?

Perhaps an eye mask for the plane??? (If we ever get to fly on one again.)

Maybe, just maybe, when all this is over, we will find dozens of new and novel uses of our face coverings.
….. Nah

Thank you, Shirley, for bringing some comedic relief to our days. You’re a doll!
And, by the way, I LOVE how you chose a mask that matched your hair
In a time when we all need a good laugh, you supplied it.
Thank you, friend.
So happy to see your post today! I have missed your blog!
Loved the ways we might use our masks after this is over! I like the fact that my masks hide my double chin! So far, I only have about five of them, but then I am really not going out much at all.
I should probably throw some of those original paper masks away. I keep some in my car. I’m so afraid I might forget mine when I leave the house.
Another thing I have never had to worry about.
These are crazy times.
Stay safe.
Thank you for the post today. Not only does Shirley have a great sense of humor, I love her choice of clothing. The top/blouse sheâs wearing has all my requirements; stripes, v-neck, and neutral colors. Please share where you found it, Shirley.
Shirley has informed me that she purchased her blouse from Chico’s.
Thank you for writing.
You leave the house? haha Just kidding! I’ve been forced to leave the house to do the grocery shopping and going to the Pharmacy, run errands, etc.! My husband fell and hurt his knees and right hand, so I’ve had to do a lot of things that I have not been doing! After about a month of this I told him that I was so exhausted doing the things that he used to do for me!! haha AND, he is our cook! So, thank God Wildflower Country Club started cooking to-go-meals for four! I think we’ve kept them from having to close! haha But, this blog is about masks! Any other time I would have gotten masks to match my tops, but I just didn’t bother. My good friend Marianne made me a real cute one that I love. It was from fabric from many years ago when she and I and a dear friend who has passed away worked on a project for the children’s summer arts program at the Cultural Activities Center. So, it’s very special and I will try to figure out how to wear it after all this is over!
What a beautiful idea…a mask made of sentimental material. Each time you put it on, a reminder of a special friend. I can’t think of anything better.
Stay well, and stay in when you can.
I own 6 masks in an assortment of colors. I have figured out that most of my face doesnât show and that foundation rubs off on my mask. So, now I usually just âmake upâ my eyes. Iâve been amazed at how many people I recognize at the grocery store by just seeing their eyes, hair and body. Also, smiles are recognizable even with a mask on.
Praying this all ends soon.
I agree–you can tell when someone is smiling, even when only half their face is showing. We are all saving on lipstick and foundation, too!
Thanks for writing.