In 2014, when my co-author Janna Beatty and I
In the
Consider your lifestyle NOW compared to your pre-COVID Life?
Time to take a good look at how our wardrobes are reflecting our new lifestyle change. And perhaps, we need to reevaluate our “Time Pie,” as we refer to it in Q Style.
Does Your Time Pie Graph still reflect the lifestyle you are living TODAY?

It’s important to look at your time pie graph and consider what activities you are engaged in the majority of the time NOW.
Our wardrobes should reflect that. But even with these topsy-turvy changes, who says we can’t look stylish on our daily walks, or on short jaunts to the grocery store? Who says we can’t wear lipstick under our masks? Or, heaven forbid, neglect brushing our teeth just because no one can smell our breath? (You know, ladies, that is going to catch up to us.)
In a time when morale is low, is it important to keep up appearances? You bet it is, girls!
When you look good, you feel more confident–more equipped to handle your daily activities. More excited to meet neighbors on your daily walks. More enthusiastic at ZOOM meetings. Positivity is infectious, and right now it is much-needed, no matter where you are.
So, does your leisure-wear need an update? Or might you add some new accessories to casual clothes you already own? You don’t have to spend a lot of money creating stylish looks for quarantine.
Here are some suggestions for pepping up your outfits:
- Wear some COLOR. What hues make you feel fabulous? Wear your “happy colors,” as my friend, Janet, calls them.
- Don’t forget the fragrance. Just because you’re wearing a mask, doesn’t mean you can’t indulge in some great-smelling body lotion, shower gel, or perfume. Don’t underestimate the power of aromatherapy. Even if you’re the only one getting a whiff of yourself! (Candles will do the trick, too.)
- Get some new leisure-wear. Activewear has become the “uniform” of the hour. But it doesn’t have to be slouchy. Throw out those stained, frayed, dated pieces, and invest a few bucks in new ones. Sam’s and Target have great prices, and you can always count on them as “essential” businesses.
- Treat yourself to a fun accessory. A tube of lipstick or eye shadow, a pair of earrings, a new scarf that doubles as a mask, or a colorful tote won’t break the bank, but it can
sure lift the spirit. (And there are so, so many good deals online right now.)
So evaluate your own time pie, and discover where your wardrobe is lacking for this new-normal lifestyle. You can have some fun while boosting your mood. After you do, you can share your positivity with everyone else!

Interesting and timely. I was leaving to go to the grocery store today and my husband said,” you look nice, why are you dressed up?” I definitely wasn’t “dressed up”, but he is so used to seeing me in jeans and blah tops that he noticed the difference. I felt more confident and uplifted and really enjoyed my grocery store visit but unfortunately my mask didn’t match my outfit! I need to plan better next time.
Ha, ha, Catherine,
I laughed when you admitted your mask didn’t match your outfit! A few months ago who would have thought, we would even be wearing masks–let alone worried that they don’t match our outfits?
Thank you for writing and making my day.
Hi Sharon,
It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. Unfortunately with the hours of the gift shop, we don’t get to see each other.
You are right about dressing up even to go to the grocery store. I hadn’t been to the grocery store in a couple of weeks or any where else for that matter. So I dressed up by wearing a pair of white capris and a floral red top with blue and white flowers and a pair of dangling earrings and of course a pair of comfortable walking shoes. Talk about matching my mask. I wore a patriotic mask because it matched the colors of my outfit. Off I went and met a friend at the grocery store. After the hellos and how are you, she commented on my outfit saying how nice I looked with the matching colors of my mask. That made me feel good to continue with the task of grocery shopping. So you’re right about dressing up, even at home, you never know who is going to show up at your door. Continue the good work Sharon.
Your note brightened my day. It’s true, we can spread a little sunshine wherever we go. I miss yours!
Thanks for writing.