Are fashionable women always stylish? Are stylish women always fashionable? It’s not a trick question. But since I wrote Quintessential Style with image consultant Janna Beatty, I have noticed that many women use the terms fashion and style interchangeably.
Here’s the Difference:
Fashion is ‘of the moment’ or ‘of the season.’ Fashion trends come and go. Some trends last longer than other. For example, animal print, block heels, and mini skirts are all fashion trends. (Trends in decorating might include wallpaper, sliding barn doors, or gray walls.)
Style is ‘the individual way you choose to incorporate fashion trends.’ These choices should be based on your personality, your preferences, your lifestyle, your comfort level, your body type, your best colors. Key word here: YOU.
Individual style extends to every facet of life, not just dressing. Take a look:
Some of you may remember my blog: What does Your Cell Phone Say about YOU? Here’s my good friend, Gail.
I took this photo of Gail and her cell phone cover to illustrate her love of classic lines and sophisticated color.
Gail had recently had her kitchen remodeled. Can you see her sleek style represented in her new kitchen design? The colors even match what she’s wearing.
Style extends to dressing, decorating, and almost every choice we make. Even cell phone covers!
Here’s my style: more traditional.
I like a lot of pillows, I guess. And red, and toile, and florals.
Wow…I have a lot going on.
This only goes to show that STYLE SHOULD BE PERSONAL. Fashion isn’t always personal. You can choose which elements of fashion you love and which will express your individual taste best. You also get to choose which elements of fashion don’t match your ‘quintessential’ style at all.
Does this mean fashion is not important? Absolutely NOT. Fashion inspires, fashion reflects the seasons, fashion imitates the times in which we live. Fashion is fun, creative, enchanting.
Fashion is what is presented to us each season. Style is how we choose to use it to express ‘who we are.’
What elements of this season’s fashion trends will you choose to incorporate into your wardrobe, your home, your table decor? YOU get to decide. Choice–it’s a wonderful thing.
This blog is dedicated to one of the most stylish and fashionable ladies I know. Barbara, thanks for inspiring us all!

We could have twin bedrooms! Loved your post. It’s reassuring to understand one’s style is a choice and not a forced trend for fashion’s sake.
I’m wondering if you love pillows like I do? I even wrote a blog abut too much ‘pillowing.’
I so admire those who have style, Sharon. I know what I like when I see it, but lack confidence when it comes to going out on a limb to develop my own style. I’d hire a personal shopper if I could afford it! My dislike for shopping is a big hindrance to developing style. As for fashion, I love the current leggings/loose tunic look that is popular right now. It is perfect for a baby boomer figure and I hope it sticks around for a long time!
Molly, You’ve already gotten a head start on personal style when you say, “I know what I like when I see it…” And, your sentence: “I love current leggings/loose tunic look” means you know your lifestyle and what looks good on your figure.
Girl, YOU do have style. Quintessential Molly!