These days, I’ve noticed phrases on everything from coffee mugs, to tea towels, to framed art, to door mats.
I admit some may be cornball, but upon closer inspection, these pithy expressions have a lot of wisdom and humor–both of which we need right now.
I have always been a “quote” person, so words on canvas or paper or a pillow have ever attracted me. How about you?
Here are some photos I’ve snapped during vacations, shopping trips– or simply from the internet–that have caught my eye:
Some days I need to be reminded of stuff:

Some days I need to remember to be a better person:

Some days I need to have a glass of wine and laugh a little.

Some days I must remember I have a dog:

Some days I need to recall what season it is:
Some days I need to let my kids read my feelings off a kitchen towel:

Some days I just need to “suck it up”:
And every day I need to remember to be grateful:

Are you in love with inspirational decor, or can you do without it?
This being my first blog of the New Year, I’d appreciate comments, just so I still know I have my beloved readers.

I love reading your newsletter. Sayings on signs tell people who come to our homes a little about us. I have funny or homey signs in every room. Happy New Year!
You are my kind of gal, Yvonne.
It’s so true about those homey signs. They do say a lot about us.
(And when someone gives one to you, you get to know yourself a little better.)
Thanks for your great perspective.
Loved your first Blog of 2022. It made me smile. Thanks Sharon.
Thanks, Lita,
When I think of you, I always feel I need to get more organized!
Happy New Year.
I need to send all those wine sayings on to my wino sons! Thanks for laughs.
Oh, dear, Rosalyn,
I hope I didn’t get your sons in trouble!
I really love wine, so I’m especially fond of those sayings.
Thanks for writing.
I got a chuckle out of those. In my opinion, a few go a long way in terms of home decor unless they are on cocktail napkins. I enjoy your blog!!
I totally forgot about cocktail napkins. They have the BEST sayings!
Happy New Year!
I loved all your cute sayings. I looked around my house and I only have one. It’s a little freestanding piece that says “Bee Happy”. I bought it because it had a cute little bee on it and it was made with some of my “happy” colors! I enjoy reading all the witty quotes, I’ve just never purchased any.
We don’t all need sayings to remember what’s important. I bet you gravitated to your “Happy” sign because the colors are so bright and fun! Thanks for writing.
I too, love “sayings” on my pillows! I have one that says “What part of Princess do you not understand” (I think a friend probably gave me that pillow! haha)
“New shoes cure the blues” and “I’m not a Morning Person” which is more me than any saying out there! 😂
I love those, Hilde!
It is so sweet when people give you items with fun sayings. A lovely thoughtfulness that says, “I know who you are.”
What better gift is there?
Thanks for writing.