I simply love my readers. Without you, there would be no blog…no aha’s, no inspirations, no momentum. I am fueled by you. And when I called upon you to supply YOUR ONE WORD for 2018….YOU DID NOT DISAPPOINT!
In case you missed last week’s blog about ditching resolutions, click here.

Readers sent in so many thought-provoking words: Engage, Giving, Focus, Attentive, Refresh, Better, Decisive, Embrace, Limit, Action, Declutter, Joy, Flourish, Allow, Relish, Discover, Inspiration…
I found very few duplications. Why? Because every one of you has a different set of goals and wishes for 2018, which means that your one word will be as unique as you are.
We usually begin a new year with the best of intentions. We might resolve to lose weight, be more organized, exercise, eat healthier, be kinder or more patient…the list goes on. And the calendar reminds us that there are 365 days in a year. That’s a long time. What happens if we break a resolution…is it over?
Resolutions, by their very nature, imply that there is some sort of deficit in our lives. Some undesirable quality or habit looming over us like a fuzzy shadow. What if we could change our thinking and begin the year with a positive vision of what we can become and what we can accomplish? Rather than beginning with gloomy reminiscences of past failure?
My word for 2018 is FOCUS.
Ideally, you want to take your specific word and apply it to general areas of your life. For example, my word: focus. The specific definition of focus is: (Verb)…to concentrate on or pay particular attention to. (Noun)…a clear vision.
Generally applied:
- I would like to become a better communicator in the areas of writing, speaking, and listening. It will take intentional focus to improve.
- I would like to become healthier in 2018, so I should focus on what–and how much–I am eating and exercising.
- I would like to be more productive; therefore, I must focus on prioritizing projects, so I won’t get to the end of each day and ask myself: “What did I accomplish during these waking hours?”
Simply becoming more focused, more aware, more mindful, will (theoretically) lead me in the direction of my goals.
What about YOU?
What ONE WORD could help you accomplish your goals and move you to a vision of yourself you’d like to see at the end of 2018?
Wow! That is a great word, Sharon. You can apply it to everything. I think I will choose the word, gratitude, since practicing this word adds to happiness. In 2017 I didn’t mourn the loss of any person or pet. My health is tip top and my family is healthy, too. I started working part-time and published a book. Indeed I have so much to be grateful for and will FOCUS on that in 2018!
I love your statement, “…practicing this word adds to happiness.” I agree wholeheartedly. It’s hard to bemoan what you’re missing, when you are busy feeling grateful for all the things you have.
Stay warm, friend. I know where you live!
I really like your word “focus” better than my word “better”. See, I have already used the word “better” in this sentence. If I may break the rules a bit, I will use both. “Better” is the target, but “focus” is the bullet.
I LOVE the way you put that…”Better is the target, but focus is the bullet! Brilliant!” But, I do see that just focusing on the word ‘better’ can be applied to any situation.