My sister-in-law is one of the most stylish girls I know. Ten years ago she moved from Texas to Wisconsin. One of the things she took with her– besides her family–was her amazing Southern style.
I recently visited her home in Mequon (just outside Milwaukee), and I discovered the adage is ever true: You can take the girl out of the South, but you can’t take the South out of the girl!

Melanie gave me permission to take photos, and as I did, I tried to put into words my definition of a southern home:
A Southern Home is a place of warmth and character–molded by family heirlooms, furniture filled with history, and subtle layers of detail. It feels as though it has evolved over time–and abounds with the sincerity of the souls who live there.

A home is more than a “decorated house.” It tells a story about the people who live there. Here are some ways to
- Mix the old with the new
- Surround yourself with personal touches
- Display your collections
- Decorate with memories
- Don’t be afraid to use color
- Mix texture, patterns, and styles

As you can see, Melanie demonstrates almost every element in this one vignette in her dining room.

My sister-in-law loves to garden and she is a true designer. Her talent is evident everywhere.

Thanks so much to my sister-in-law and her lovely family for sharing their home with us. (And for making my blog post so easy this week!)
Decorating with the things you love and cherish–That’s the real secret to
Gorgeous inside and out. The huge window is amazing. She took her gardening skills north to “friendlier” summer weather! Thanks for sharing, Sharon.
Yes, Terry,
And her brilliant hydrangeas aren’t even blooming yet! Thanks for writing.
Sharon, your sister-in-law Melanie has a wonderful talent for decorating. I love her sun room and the way she displayed her collection of plates on the dark wall (the desk below is lovely) – I wish I could put things together that way, but I’ve never reached out there to do it. I painted one wall a gold color as opposed to all the ivory walls I have. That’s my one big attempt! Melanie inspires me to take a few more attempts at decorating “out of the box!” It’s obvious that she loves flowers. The Color is wonderful!! I have 10 brown thumbs!!
Well done Melanie. Your home is BEAUTIFUL!
I agree. Thanks for your glowing comments.
As a former interior designer and a retired nursery professional I must say I’m impressed by your Melanie’s (I’m using the name that Diane provided) use of design, color, texture and drama. I love her color bowls in her yard and the use of fresh cut flowers inside her house. I also like how she has taken her own objet d’art and staged it with antiques and florals. I envy her geranium and petunia bowls. I love the hot pink against bright green and all the the other colors. All those plants just fry here in central Texas. With her fabulous taste, she can be a Southern lady in Wisconsin all year round.
While the temps were hitting 100 here last week, Wisconsin was in the mid 60’s. Melanie’s yard was lush, and will stay that way for months. Thanks for writing!
I am now truly inspired to add a few more Southern touches to my house. I love the plate groupings; a decorator who was recently in my home suggested the very same thing. I was skeptical until seeing Melanie’s wall. The sunroom and flower arrangements are gorgeous! Thank you, Melanie, for allowing Sharon to show us all back here in Texas your lovely home and how to showcase our Southern heritage.
I thank my sister-in-law, Melanie, for this week’s blog. You don’t have to be Southern to love her style.
Sharon, you got my attention when I saw the Sun Room! My favorite, although Melanie’s home and grounds are magnificent!! Thanks for sharing this beautifully decorated home!
You are welcome, Hilde.
It is always inspiring to get ideas from a beautifully decorated home and its beautiful decorator!
Thank you for inviting us into your gracious home.
Your taste is impeccable.
I particularly loved how you created continuity and rhythm with
the flow of the blue and white pieces.
Much Appreciated,
Yes, Melanie has an open concept home and that can be particularly tricky to decorate. She did a great job tying every room together, yet they all have their own unique personalities!