Have you seen the intriguing new comedy, ‘Me, Myself, and I?’ The show revolves around only one character–but viewers follow him simultaneously–during three different stages in his life. This got me thinking…What if we could see our future selves? How would it affect our behavior now?

What if, at age 14, we could look into the future and see ourselves at age 40, 65, or even 85? Might we have a different perspectives on youth and aging?
Would we:
- appreciate our energy levels, our minds, and the bodies we have TODAY
- recognize that each choice we make has a consequence
- be grateful for every experience in youth that made us who we are
- perhaps even relish the present, with more contentment
If you could look ahead, would you want to?

Ebenezer Scrooge got to review his past, then gazed into his future–and it wasn’t a very pleasant scenario, if you recall. So how did he remedy this gloomy forecast and turn it around?
He began fully living in the present, with a much kinder heart.
Mindfulness seems to be the buzzword of the hour. It means totally engaging in the present moment. Focusing our attention on the task, conversation, or job at hand with full concentration and conviction. Doing our absolute best today–no bemoaning the past, nor worrying about the future.
Where do you see yourself 10 or 20 years from now? Do you want to look back with regret and remorse or with joy and fulfillment?
How Will You Remember NOW—Later?
Thought-provoking, isn’t it?
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
This week’s blog is dedicated to the memory of Kathleen Ament.
The show is great! Do you think the character knows his future ? I don’t; only the viewer does. As for me, I love the anticipation of not knowing what each day brings. Of course it would be tempting to have a glimpse, but I would still have to say “no” . I sometimes wish I could go back and make my choices based on what I know now, but there were reasons I did/thought/ spoke the way I did and all those experiences resulted eventually in who I am today…well, maybe I would rethink some of my fashion choices. Ha!
No, the characters can’t see their future…but what if they could? What if we could? Something to ponder.
Your blog resonated with me today.(Something I often need to be reminded of!) Thank you.
Good reminder to all of us, Patti.