I recently watched Disney’s new movie remake of “Dumbo,”and I was immediately struck by the callous comment of the ringmaster to the elephant trainer– upon the first sighting of Dumbo’s enormous ears: “You’ve got to fix this!”

It reminded me of the I
What did she mean? Simply that there is a commonly held myth for many people that they would be happier, more successful, and more fulfilled if only they could fix themselves.
But Janna Beatty’s premise is that we should realize we aren’t broken–we came into this world exactly as we were meant to. Our beauty is already here…we just need to find it.

“You were delivered into this world with your own genetic blueprint, physical traits, personality, and all the characteristics that make you quintessentially you. Oh, what a glorious being you are!”
While media is busy telling us how we are “supposed to look,” Janna’s job as an image consultant is to unveil the diversity of every individual. After all: The depth of our beauty lies in our diversity.

Think about the most memorable people you know. They are probably not the most beautiful. Most likely they are memorable because their individual essence shines like a bright beacon. They are unapologetically authentic. And absolutely singular.
Thank you, Dumbo. For reminding each one of us that we are “unique in all of

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