My friend, Linda, sent me the most inspiring image I’ve seen so far during this turbulent time. As we all stick in place these days, how can we remain optimistic and inspired? By practicing five simple steps:

What a helpful tool to keep us mindful of the power of positivity. Instead of focusing on what we cannot do–let us focus on those things we can do.
We all know the basic definition of VIRUS as an infectious disease caused by extremely complex molecules. Or, the technical definition: a computer virus as it pertains to data- damaging software.
But I found a third, more psychological –even more damaging– definition:
virus: something that poisons the mind or soul…
We cannot allow this COVID 19 to infiltrate our minds and souls with negativity.
I want you, my lovely readers, to help inspire me–and each other– by commenting and allowing us hear how you are handling this turbulent time.
What are you doing to keep positive? To raise spirits? To help friends and family?
Please share your creative, productive, fun, ideas with us.
We ALL need a boost of sunshine right now.
With so many thanks.
Thanks for an upbeat post during these trying times. I am making an effort to share some humor with friends via a daily text(usually a funny meme on self quarantining) and I have been trying to reach out to my loved ones that live alone. It’s imperative I keep to a schedule … getting dressed, making our bed, keeping the house organized and clean. It makes me feel so much better. Stay well and I hope our country (and world) come out stronger, wiser and more compassionate once this is all over.
Oh, Elaine, thanks for your comment. I loved it especially when you wrote, “It’s imperative I keep to a schedule…” It is so good to be reminded of that simple idea to keep the normalcy of a routine. Your wish for our country and our world is mighty and eloquently expressed. Thank you for sharing.
I was thinking about different things that I could do to lift my spirits and I came up with some things. Make your bed every day. It’s one thing you can control and it gives you some order in your life.
Pick up the clutter, put things away or throw them in the trash.
Give yourself a manicure and/or pedicure.
Call an old friend and catch up with each other
Spritz yourself with a little perfume.
Take a bubble bath.
Put on some bright red or pink lipstick.
Have a nice glass of wine.
Blessings to you Sharon and to everyone else.
What an awesome list! Thanks so much for sharing with all of us. It LIFTS my spirits just to think of you, and all my brilliant readers sharing their wisdom and ideas!
Hi Sharon, as you know I had started making jewelry about the last week of February for a craft fair that didn’t materialize! So….I just continued making necklaces! I couldn’t wait to get to my office/craft room each day! I was having the time of my life being creative, and not having any meetings to go to!!
My new motto is “Arts & Crafts keep me sane!”
So, I really didn’t mind being asked by the governor to stay at home! So, I happily kept making necklaces until last week and I needed to get out of the house!! haha But first I started baking banana bread; something I haven’t done in probably 10 years or so! (Thank goodness Carl was able to find me some bananas!) Also Carl and I went to Pignetti’s to buy some food and I ended up buying two dozen brownies! So I start making up goodie bags and delivering them to single friends that are widowed! I also put together a large box of snacks and mailed to a sister who also is single. And I made some special necklaces for another sister who is a shut in, in another state. And Carl and I grocery shopped for an elderly couple whose cat was out of food!! But the best part of all of this is I got to visit with friends and I got to LAUGH! To keep myself happy, I have always said I have to find something to laugh about every day! I missed that! I missed my friends! I got to sit outside on a lovely patio (six feet apart) that had a beautiful flower garden! So, actually I guess I did everything on your friend Linda’s list, but Physical! Unless running up and down stairs about 10 times a day counts!
Do you need a necklace? haha
First, I would like to tell my readers that Hilde is 80 years old! (I hope you don’t mind, Hilde.) Your list of activities may be putting us to shame. Creating, sharing, laughing, baking—all these great action verbs! We can all take lessons from this brilliant woman. By all accounts, she should be considered “elderly.” Instead, she’s inspiring us all.
Thank you for making our day, Hilde.
Gotta get to my list now!