How BALANCED are you?
No, no. I mean how balanced is your figure? Not your mind. Who among us is perfectly proportioned? But that’s not to say we can’t appear to look balanced, no matter what our size. It’s really all in the illusion, […]
No, no. I mean how balanced is your figure? Not your mind. Who among us is perfectly proportioned? But that’s not to say we can’t appear to look balanced, no matter what our size. It’s really all in the illusion, […]
Last week I had a healthy slice of ‘humble pie,’ after I commented on fellow blogger Pam Lutrell’s website. I made a suggestion, which seemed ‘totally right’ to me, based on everything I know from Quintessential Style. The problem was, I […]
Imagine being invited to a tropical destination wedding…in FEBRUARY! How would I ever be beach-ready in mid-winter? I hadn’t even lost my Christmas-cookie weight. And what about my lily-white body? Hard to imagine in a bathing suit…or was it? I […]
Have you ever returned home from an event and said, “I wish I’d worn something else.” You’ve heard of buyer’s remorse–what about wearer’s remorse? It’s a new term–I just made up. And we’ve all felt it at one time or another. […]
Perspiration and stylish dressing don’t exactly go hand in hand. Here in Texas, temps have already reached triple digits. How can ladies possibly expect to look fresh in that kind of heat? Furthermore, when we head indoors, it’s 25 degrees […]
Accessories, accessories, accessories…too many to choose from. But there’s one accessory I’d never dream of leaving home without. It’s not a handbag, lipstick, or high heels. Nor is it expensive. In fact, the most valuable accessory I own doesn’t cost […]
My husband and I were driving to an out-of-town wedding. We got about 20 miles down the road when he said, “Darn, I forgot something.” I panicked because we were already late. He continued, “I forgot to comb my hair.” […]
“IT’S NOT QUANTITY THAT COUNTS…IT’S WORKABILITY.” This is the quote that introduces Chapter 6 of Quintessential Style. Is your closet a river or a Dead Sea? Meaning: Do you bring garments, shoes, and accessories into your closet on a regular […]
On the morning of May 19th, I’ll be up before dawn–brewing my tea exceedingly strong. I’ve been invited to a Royal Watch Party. The attire: hats and p.j.’s. Is anyone else as excited as I am? I was 22 years […]
“My husband complimented me on my coral lipstick yesterday! And he hardly ever says anything about my appearance.” That was the beginning of a conversation I had with a friend last week–it got me wondering: What do men really notice about women? […]
Sharon White, co-author of Quintessential Style: Cultivate & Communicate Your Signature Look
Style is all about making choices. Whether you are putting together an outfit, designing a room, or setting a table.
We say, if you know yourself, you can discover your style—your “quintessential style.”
We hope our blog will add joy and inspiration to your day.