Cartoonist Marshall Ramsey wrote of Betty White: “It says so much about your life and legacy if people say you died too soon at 99.” Why do we love this brilliant woman? Let us count the ways: She made us […]
Cartoonist Marshall Ramsey wrote of Betty White: “It says so much about your life and legacy if people say you died too soon at 99.” Why do we love this brilliant woman? Let us count the ways: She made us […]
Actually, it’s both. The Pantone Color Institute, which sees contemporary life and culture through color, has declared PERIWINKLE to be the 2022 Color of the Year. Daphne Alexander of says: “It reflects everyone’s wish for a fresh start and […]
These days, I’ve noticed phrases on everything from coffee mugs, to tea towels, to framed art, to door mats. I admit some may be cornball, but upon closer inspection, these pithy expressions have a lot of wisdom and humor–both of […]
Have you noticed there’s a whole lot more merrymaking going on this holiday season? It’s evident in the elaborate decorations and plethora of holiday parties. Homes give us a glimpse into the personalities of the owners. And it is here […]
Professional image consultant Janna Beatty has been creating one-of-a-kind jewelry for decades. She scours gem shows around the country and personally selects materials for every unique piece. Janna began her career 40 years ago as a Color Consultant and started […]
I live in the South, where the appeal of the ubiquitous pearl necklace has never quite gone away. But, these days, I’ve noticed an elegant, updated trend–piles of pearls. Not quite as demure as the single strand our mothers wore. […]
Recently, and quite by accident, I discovered that given choices, most of us REALLY DO KNOW OUR OWN QUINTESSENTIAL STYLE–and can choose the perfect garment quickly, even if only allowed a few seconds. I attended a cooking class with a […]
If any of you have been watching the National League Baseball playoffs, you’ve probably noticed a fashion anomaly on the field. Atlanta Braves’ outfielder, Joc Pederson, wearing a pearl necklace. Unusual…or is it? When asked about the pearls, Joc simply […]
We’ve all heard the expression: “What goes around comes around.” And that could never be more true for styles this fall. On a recent trip to Dillard’s, I couldn’t help notice a few things that took me back 40 years. […]
For some people–like me–getting rid of clothing can be very mental. Blogger Julie Hage (Filling the Jars), says there are five emotional excuses for not decluttering. (That goes for decluttering anywhere in your home.) They are: Guilt (I spent a […]
Sharon White, co-author of Quintessential Style: Cultivate & Communicate Your Signature Look
Style is all about making choices. Whether you are putting together an outfit, designing a room, or setting a table.
We say, if you know yourself, you can discover your style—your “quintessential style.”
We hope our blog will add joy and inspiration to your day.